Georgica Pond – House from Steel

Georgica Pond – House from Steel picture 1

Georgica Pond – House from Steel picture 2

Georgica Pond – House from Steel picture 3

This limestone, steel, aluminum and bottle abode congenital on the exact aforementioned brand as one-story copse abode that was actuality before. The abode is now accept two belief and the capital access has bifold access to the additional floor. The active room, dining room, kitchen, account room, library, and two bedfellow bedrooms with baths are on the aboriginal floor. The additional attic has the adept bedchamber / sitting allowance with two bathrobe rooms, two vanity areas and a ample bath with abstracted tub and shower. All apartment are accessible to walkways and terraces at both the aboriginal and additional floors. The flat and barn are absorbed to the capital abode with a bottle belted and roofed corridor. The pond basin is amid abreast the abode with its own appearance of the surroundings